domingo, 18 de setembro de 2016

Begin a Life

O blog chama-se Begin a Life, mas por quê desse nome? Os versos abaixo transmitem o real significado de Begin a Life, uma nova vida, novos momentos, novos anseios.
Muitas vezes precisamos fazer isso, deixar o antigo para trás e começar novamente, iniciar uma nova vida.
"Ninguém pode voltar atrás e fazer um novo começo, mas qualquer um pode começar agora e fazer um novo fim." (Chico Xavier)

Saved inside me
Restless, however sleeping
Missing you, sometimes I felt
And I'm not knowing where to go
New places to know
And new challenges to overcome

Suddenly, a call
And woke up what was sleeping

It came softly
Fed my own
Became my guiding star
Emerging in the midst of darkness
Irradiating your beauty
There was happinnes in your eyes

Smiling in smile
Inside me something new emerged
There, deep in my soul
Your smile came over me
Brightening my ways
A new jorney has began

But God knows how to act
A light needed to come in
Invade my own
Bringing hapiness again
The best of me to be back

Meanwhile, destiny is treacherous
A light through the darkness
Bringing hapiness
A hope in something better

But darkness was inside me
Much more than I thought
The torment was done
A fight to survive
Light or shadow, that was a challenge

The light fills in the dark room
Guide my own through the door
The way had to be so
Remaining the pain to exit
The roots embedded in the shadows of darkness

And then, begin a life

Soft as the morning breeze

In each step I've had to face my own
So many tears fell down my face
Words and attitudes that lacked
Summarizing the pain of my own
And thus, a new man was born again

Autor: Edson Aparecido do Nascimento

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